Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Reading Journal(summary, application and synthesize) What is Essay
Reading Journal(summary, application and synthesize) What is Sustainability - Essay Example The first axiom warns the society of continuous use of resources of a total collapse. The second axiom warns of rate of consumption that is equal to the growth of population is unsustainable. The third axiom provides a guideline for consumption of renewable resources for sustainability. It states rate of natural replenishment of renewable resources is to be greater or equal to the rate of consumption. The fourth axiom states the rate of usage of non-renewable resources must be declining in a way that is greater than or equal to the rate of depletion. The fifth axiom advices in the event of a new substance introduced into the environment as a result of manmade activities. They must not be harmful to the biosphere or should be rendered harmless (Heinberg and Daniel, 6). Through these five axioms, Richard Heinberg targets every rational human being. At least one of his axiom is applicable to a particular section of the human society. For instance, the fifth axiom is applicable to almost every sector of the human society. It is particularly applicable to manufacturing industries, business like hotels, and hospitals, and also to families. In these and others sectors of the human society, the fifth anxiom requires people to protect their environments by avoiding introducing harmful substances to them. The third axiom targets particularly the mineral miners. It requires them to conserve the environment by not engaging in extensive mining devoid of future considerations. The fourth axiom targets the industries like the energy industry, which uses non-renewable resources. Therefore, Richard Heinberg targets every person in the world. His essay requires every individual to protect his/her environment by applying one of the axioms that defines sustainability in his/her particular situation. Richard Heinberg article is very relevant to each and every member of the classroom community. Previously each of us had a different definition of sustainability. Some of us
Monday, October 28, 2019
Gothic conventions Essay Example for Free
Gothic conventions Essay Dracula, as described in the play, can take many forms of different creatures. Ranging from a wolf to a mist. These creatures are described well in the play and create an atmosphere of suspense for the reader. It also shows just how strong Dracula is. This vampire which is amongst us is of himself so strong in person as twenty men This quotation shows us just how strong Dracula is and Bram Stoker describes this well by comparing Dracula to a living thing such as man. It gives us a good idea of just how strong Dracula is/becomes. In the play it describes the many forms that Dracula can take: The storm, the fog, and the wolf; he can grow and become small; and he can at times vanish and come unknown. This describes very well the different forms that Dracula can take and the last bit of the sentence just creates that extra bit of suspense, which can take this play to the next level. and he can at times vanish and come unknown This is the phrase which kicks in that extra bit of suspense and gets the reader wondering what this means and how Dracula does it. It overall draws a better picture of the creature himself and what is achievable for him. He can transform himself to wolf, as we gather from the ship arrival in Whitby, when he tear open the dog; he can be as bat He can come in mist which he create This is another of the forms that Dracula can take and as you progress on with the story you get a better and better image of Dracula and the powers that he has within him. Another one of the conventions is the weirdness of Dracula and how different he is in relation to the rest of mankind. He eat not as others. Even friend Jonathan, who lived with him for weeks, did never see him to eat, never! This is very weird, as we all know because every living thing needs to consume something in order for its body to keep functioning and to stay alive. But it seems as though Dracula is very different compared to humans as Jonathan, who had lived with him, had never seen him eat. This must mean that there is another way in, which Dracula consumes which has not yet been discovered. This part of the story creates suspense and gets the reader thinking about what Dracula exactly is and how he differs humans. It gets the reader thinking about how Dracula survives and what he survives on. He throws no shadow; he make in the mirror no reflect This is another phrase, which creates suspense for the reader and shoes just how weird Dracula is and once again it gets the readers thinking just what Dracula is. As we know everything and anything can throw a shadow as long as it is solid. The laws of physics tell us that. But Dracula somehow doesnt throw a shadow. This means that he is defying the laws of Physics, which once again shows how unusual and how inhuman like Dracula is. The last quotation which gets the reader wondering about Dracula is He can see in the dark-no small power this It isnt a small power indeed as no human can do this, which ultimately confirms just how inhuman Dracula is. The convention of the journal will be looked at next. Minas journal has a lot to reveal about Dracula and her encounter with him. The first quotation I will take is the parted red lips, with the sharp white teeth showing between; and red eyes This is a quote which strikes fear into the mind of the readers and it gives a fairly good description of Dracula. The sharp teeth instantly gets you thinking and gives u a sense of fear as u begin to picture what this person may look like. The red eyes also instantly puts fear into the minds of the readers as it describes Dracula in a very fiery/inhuman way. The word monster may come into the readers minds as they read this phrase. Silence! If u make a sound I shall take him and dash his brains out before your very eyes Here we are getting pretty gruesome as the writer takes a more graphic approach to the threat that Dracula makes to Mina. The very thought of someones brains being dashed before you instantly sends a shiver up your spine and gets you very involved in the passage as your brain instantly gathers an image of what it would look like if you were to be there. This slowly paints a better picture of Dracula and what he is capable of and what he has done before. Another chilling quote from Dracula is: You may as well be quiet; it is not the first time your veins have appeased my thirst This is a very chilling quote, which refers to the blood in Minas body. It gets the reader thinking about whether or not Dracula is about to do what they think he is about to do. But straight after there is another quote, which describes just how unusual and powerful Dracula is: strangely enough I did not want to hinder him. I suppose it is a part of the horrible curse that this happens when his touch is on his victim This quote gives an image of Dracula to be very inhuman like just like the others. It gets the reader into the story line and makes the reader believe more and more that Dracula is truly supernatural. But it seemed that a long time had passed before he took his awful sneering mouth away. I saw it drip with the fresh blood This can only be the action of a supernatural, as no human would even think of consuming someone elses blood. Dracula is a natural vampire as this sentence finally suggests and just shows what lengths the supernatural go to. Once again here a monster like image is created of Dracula and the instant feeling of fear kicks in as you read the sentence. The main reason that this sense of fear is created by the writer is because of how graphic the script becomes and how detailed it is and once again this instantly creates a picture in your mind of Dracula commencing with these gruesome acts. When my brain says Come! to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding This describes a sense of power, which comes from Dracula. This is typical as power is one of the Gothic conventions, which is used in this story to good effect as Dracula commands his presence and shows his power. Straight after this we go from power to the gruesome side of Dracula: With that he pulled open his shirt and with his sharp nails opened a vein in his breast This is very gruesome and creates a sense of sickness for the reader but its all in the nature of Dracula as the story shows and Bram Stoker makes this very graphic once again which sends shivers up the readers spine. But even this is not enough. The writer goes one step further here as he goes into more graphic content When the blood began to spurt out, he took my hands in one of his, holding them tight, and with the other seized my neck and pressed my mouth to the wound, so that I must suffocate or swallow This once again is very sickening as it goes into great detail of how she is made to press her mouth against the blood spurting breast of Dracula. This creates a sickening image, which causes the reader to react in a way where he/she just wants to put the book down. As we move on to another extract in the story. We come to the part of the story where the Professor encounters Dracula himself.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Effects of Global Warming On Coral Reefs Essay -- Environment Glob
The Effects of Global Warming On Coral Reefs Graphs Missing Introduction: The effects of global warming touch every human, animal, plant, ocean, landmass, and atmosphere level on this planet. The numerous effects of global warming are mixes of "good" and "bad" results, depending on how your definition of "good" results and "bad" results are. A "good" effect, a person could say, would be for regions with normally cold temperatures to receive warmer temperatures for their normal. Yet, there are more "bad" effects that seem to out weight the "good" effects. Some of the effects would include increases of flooding, severe storm systems, and rising sea-levels. One major consequence would be an increase of temperature globally. This would give a chain reaction that would change temperatures and precipitation within many ecosystems. Which could cause a possible alteration in migration routes of various animals or produce permanent damage to creatures and their habitats, or worse, result in extinction for sensitive organisms that cannot handle the change. An exampl e of a sensitive organism is the coral reef. This vital creature serves as a home, feeding area, and shelter for many fish, plants, and animals living in the shallow water domain. The degradation by global warming of this essential species is discussed more in-depth below. Bleaching of Coral Reefs When coral reefs are thought of, warm images of vibrant multi-colored creatures and corals emerge from our imaginations. Mental pictures of a bustling biodiversity of animals, invertebrates, and plants congregate around the coral reef that acts as a glue holding together the shallow waters of the underwater realm. Yet, many of the worlds most beautiful and important coral re... ...blic about the bleaching of corals. Its our problem, we need to create a solution or the colors of the ocean may be fading away as we speak. Works Cited Australia Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). "What is coral bleaching?" 2002. (3 Feb. 2003). Dennis, Carina. "Reef under threat from 'bleaching' outbreak." Nature, 415. 28 February 2002: 947. January 25, 2003. 415947a_fs.html. Houghton, John. 1994. Global Warming The Complete Briefing. Elgin, Illinois: Lion Publishing. Wilkinson, Clive. "The 1997-1998 mass bleaching event around the world." Status of coral reefs of the world: 1998. 1998: Chapter 1. February 4, 2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Deforestation :: Nature Wildlife Essays
â€Å"The burning of Central America†is the first of these articles and appears in Essentials of World Regional Geography, the textbook of Geography 240. This article was originally published in a magazine. This is the only article with a picture included. The picture is of the Brazilian rain forest burning and hacked to splinters after a slash and burn operation. The article tries to stay in a neutral scientific stance , however it is obvious that the article is against deforestation. The second article, â€Å"The Amazon River Lowland†is also out of the same geography book. It was primarily written to give the reader an idea of the different kinds of land in Brazil. It is for government intervention to save the forest. The third is a periodical, â€Å"Logging Damage during planned and unplanned logging operations in eastern Amazon.†Its appears in the June 1996 encyclopedia of Forest Ecology and Management. This periodical takes a more realisti c approach to deforestation. This article speaks as if it will happen no matter what but it focuses on what is mutually beneficial to both humans and the environment. The fourth article also appears in the same set of encyclopedias but is in the March 1997 volume. It is entitled, â€Å"Brazilian Amazonian caboclo agriculture: effect of fallow period on maize yield.†This periodical is an experiment to show which is better for growing corn after deforestation has occurred, either burning the forest or temporarily allowing it to grow back. This article made me think about the pros of deforestation and how burning could help the environment. It is presented scientifically with charts, maps, and graphs and it attempts to stay neutral but in the end it favors the fallow, or rest, period over burning. The fifth article is from the Internet and is named, â€Å"The Social Dynamics of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: An Overview.†Only the economics portion of thi s lengthy report was analyzed because of the overwhelming length of the paper and irrelevance to this paper’s topic. This article is against deforestation and lists only the negative economic factors of deforestation. The last article, â€Å"World Bank Plans Increased Support for Timber Harvesting†is also posted on the Internet. It is written by the Environmental Defense Fund and doesn’t attack deforestation but rather the World Bank which is helping it to occur.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
School and Workplace Violence
Violence in schools and at workplaces is a common incidence in the American community. They are indeed a major threat to the guarantee of health and safety security in these crucial institutions of our nation’s economy. There are a number of events which can lead to school or workplace violence such as unfavorable environmental and interpersonal relationships between mates (Anthony, 2000). Just like any other act of violence in the community, law enforcement agencies are bound to safe the life of the victims and arrest the offender for interrogation. Due to our nation’s concern for the sustainable safety of the people, many rules, regulations, and practices have been developed to mitigate the problem. This essay is written as a discussion on school and workplace violence. The author identifies the events, facts and those involved in violence as well as how law enforcement respond to such incidences. A discussion on changes that have been made by those made by the institutions affected by violence incidents is also given. Workplace or school violence has been defined as any act of violence physical or psychological that as the end result of compromising the health and/or safety security of the victims (Rugala, 2003). Therefore, workplace and school violence encompasses; physical or threat of physical violence, harassment, and even intimidation. However, the most common form of violence is homicide (Kelleher, 1996). According to available statistics, such incidences can affect or involve staff, students (workers), and visitors. There are a number of events which can lead to violence at workplace or schools. First are poor interpersonal relations among individuals (Anthony, 2000). Understanding and appreciating others in a society is an important factor in the realization of sustainable relationships. Just to be stated here is the fact that different people have different worldviews as well as different ways of reacting to issues and circumstances. However, strong interpersonal relations serve to control risks of overreaction by enhancing communication (Anthony, 2000). Therefore, lack effective interpersonal relationships can lead to violence. Another event that can lead to violence is peer influence (Hunt, 2010). According to available research findings, most incidents of violence among students or workers are influence by groupthink mentality (Hunt, 2010). Just to be stated here is the fact the association can have the psychological impact of compromising individual reasoning and judgmental ability. Discriminative behavior can also cause violence. School of workplace bullying based on race, social-economic and personality are cited as having a major role in causing violence (Wodarski, Roberts & Rapp-Paglicci, 2002). This is because they can result to stress and depression on the victims, thus resulting into revenge mentality. School and workplace violence is marked with numerous facts. First, they threaten the health and safety of those involved. Homicide is the leading cause of fatal injuries in schools and workplace (Hunt, 2010). Such include school or workplace shootings and/or stabbing. Therefore, violence in such institutions can be attributed to prior threats rather than instantaneous reactions. It is due to this reason that threat assessment is found to be a crucial tool for preventing violence. Another fact is that most incidents of violence are caused by lack of proper institutional policies (Wodarski, Roberts & Rapp-Paglicci, 2002). Violence like harassment and intimidation are common between management and staff or students. Just to be noted is that the management must serve as a role model for the other members of the organization. Therefore, failing to ensuring respect for the personality, ethnical and cultural diversity in the organization evidently serves to influence workers and/or students negatively. According to statistic on incidents of school and workplace violence, most of the cases involve indoor members (Rugala, 2003). This has been closely attributed to the fact that it is in the institution where conflict among members can be more pronounced. Based on this, most offenders on incidents of homicide are students or workers (Rugala, 2003). On the other hand, in incidents of harassment and intimidation, the common offenders are the institutional managers such as teachers and company managers (Kelleher, 1996). This is closely attributed to misuse of power by instituting oppressive or discriminative behaviors towards certain members. Visitors are also common offenders particularly for homicide incidents but can also be victims of intimidation and harassment by members of the organization (Rugala, 2003). It is the sole purpose of the law enforcement agents to ensure the rule of law in the society. Incidents of school and workplace violence particularly homicide and assault are legally regarded as criminal offenses (Rugala, 2003). Therefore, the initial response by law enforcement is usually to intervene to save the life of the victim and arrest the offender for interrogation (Wodarski, Roberts & Rapp-Paglicci, 2002). This is important not only in mitigating further health and safety harm to the victims but also for setting the initial step towards the realization of justice for the incident. However, the process of realizing justice for violence incident requires adequate investigations not only to collect evidence for criminal charges against the offenders but also to seek lasting solutions to such incidents in the institution (Rugala, 2003). This is why law enforcement engages with members for establishing how, why and who were involved in the incidents. Still, since some incidents occur without the presence of law enforcement agents, the process of investigation can involve forensic crime analysis. This is mainly used as a technical way of qualifying evidence given by witnesses of the incident thus enhancing its admissibility during prosecution. Incidents of school and workplace violence have evidently led to many changes to those affected. First, the government, as the sole custodian of the people, has engaged in the development of effective rules and regulations for enhancing workplace and school safety (Anthony, 2000). Such actions by the government have led to the founding of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) which seeks to educate institutions on the importance of having an environment free of violence for workers (Wodarski, Roberts & Rapp-Paglicci, 2002). On the side of law enforcement, incident prone zones are usually marked with presence of police as a measure of ensuring fast and effective response to acts of violence. Another change is that most organizations respond to violence incidents by sucking the offender and developing anti-violence policies. Creating awareness among the parties involved in an institution is quite important (Anthony, 2000). Therefore, most of these anti-violence policies by organization are mainly tailored to advice people of how to identify and report or prevent violence threat incidents. An example is the requirement for training employees to be resources of the Employee Assistance Program (Anthony, 2000). In conclusion school and workplace violence incidents are evidently preventable mainly due to their predictable nature (Rugala, 2003). It is due to this reason that all stakeholders should cooperate in the identification and finding viable solutions to the problem. Such an effective strategy should involve creation of awareness and development of stiffer rules and regulation to govern school and workplace conduct. Still important is that institutions should engage in efforts for establishing an anti-violence corporate culture for the sustainable future of school and workplace safety. References Anthony, B. (2000). Violence in the Workplace. A Prevention and Management Guide for Business. Oxnard, CA: Pathfinder Publishing. Inc. Hunt, O. (2010). School and Workplace Violence. Retrieved March 27, 2010, from Kelleher, M. (1996). New Arenas for Violence: Homicide in the American Workplace. Westport, CT: Praeger. Rugala, E. (2003). Work Place Violence: Issue in Response. Retrieved March 27, 2010, from Wodarski, J., Roberts, A., & Rapp-Paglicci, L. (2002). Handbook of Violence. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Loman Sons in Death of a Salesman
The Loman Sons in Death of a Salesman There is no such thing as a perfect life; everyone has conflicts that they must contend with. The ways in which people deal with these personal conflicts can differ as much as the people themselves. Some insist on ignoring the problem or live in denial for as long as possible, while others face up to the problem to get it out of the way. Arthur Miller' play "Death of a Salesman," centers around the Loman family's inability to perceive between reality and illusion. This is evident in the two Loman sons, Biff and Happy. Although Biff and Happy are at first unable to distinguish between reality and illusion, they end up going in different directions, with Happy still living in his world of lies whereas Biff is being set free by the truth. This will be shown through an analysis of the attitudes the Loman sons have about success in the workplace, achieving their father's standards, and the truth within one's self.Biff HendersonArthur Miller contrasts the views that Biff and Happy have wit h regards to their success, their father's expectations, and the truth. Over shadowed by his older brother, Willy's youngest son, Happy, is continually ignored by his parents. In the play, it is prevalent to see Happy striving for Willy's attention. In Willy's flashbacks, young Happy is always telling his father, "I'm losing weight, you notice, Pop?" (Death of a Salesman, 30). Even as an adult Happy announces to his mother, Linda, that he is going to get married. However, she brushes him off the same way they did when he was younger. As a shadow to his older brother, Happy is nothing but a stunted version of Willy's dream-that a "well-liked" and "personally attractive" man in business will acquire the material comforts of a modern American life.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Farm Standard Council Case Cost Allocation
Farm Standard Council Case Cost Allocation Introduction Fixed/variable cost thinking has no place in today’s cost accounting world; those are words of Hervey (2010, p.1) an all time accounting specialist. This observation is as result of many limitations that accountants and managers have experienced in the past years in their efforts to differentiate between fixed and variable costs.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Farm Standard Council Case: Cost Allocation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some costs cannot be classified as either fixed or variable costs and yet they have to be allocated somewhere in the process of allocating costs to different cost centers. Traditional costing is also expensive compared to other methods (Alabbadi Areiqat, 2010, p.239). The inadequacies in this traditional cost approach have led to development of other methods that can allocate costs appropriately to their respective cost centers. One of these methods is activity-ba sed costing (ABC) that allocates costs to different centers based on the activities that have resulted to these costs. This paper will use Farm Standard Council case to look at the differences between traditional cost allocation and activity-based cost allocation. Activity-Based Costing In the case of Farm Standard Council, activity based costing is used rather under traditional cost accounting in identifying different cost centers in the cost pool and also in the cost allocation. ABC approach is based on activity and not volume (Bengu, 2010, p.213). Cost centers include equipment, general farm, maintenance and shop among others. Cost centers are classified into support center, services center, production center, marketing and profit centers. Costs are allocated to different production activities such as production, harvesting, processing and storage. These costs are then divided by the quantities of crops produced at the end of the season in order to calculate the amount of profit produced per hectare of land. If the Farm Council used another approach such as traditional cost accounting, it would not be easy for the management to allocate costs to different cost centers and hence calculating profitability of each crop would be a challenge. It would not have been easy for the management to allocate some costs that are neither fixed nor variable. Costs such as maintenance and shop could not be fairly allocated as either variable or fixed thus giving misleading information about profitability of each crop. This view is supported by Rezaie, Ostadi, and Torabi (2008), who claim that ABC is more reliable than traditional approach (p.1047).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As Harvey (2010) posits, costs are no longer driven by volume but by the demands of customers (p.2). However, not all the costs are driven by customers since some like maintena nce are fixed. Thus, this case study provides a good example of how activity-based accounting can be employed in agricultural enterprises when allocating their costs. Alternative Solution The alternative solution is a more general cost accounting approach that may apply in many situations since the suggested solution (activity-based costing) was tailored to specifically fit the situation of Mary and John farms. The alternative approach provides a design that summarizes all the cost centers into three categories viz. support, production and profit centers (Farm Financial Standard Council, n.d, p.14). The advantage of the alternative solution is that it is simpler compared with the suggested solution. Accountants and managers can group similar costs in one centre to avoid complexity in their allocation. In the suggested solution, all the costs have to be accounted separately which involves a lot of work. Conclusion ABC approach is much better than traditional cost approach since all c osts can be fairly allocated to their respective cost centers. Suggested solution applies this approach in allocating cost in different activities. However, I would prefer alternative solution since it is more reliable and at the same time simple to use. References Alabbadi, H., Areiqat, A. (2010). The Systematic Relationship between the Activity Based Management (ABM) and the Activity Based Costing (ABC). Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2(2), 239-264. Bengu, H. (2010). The role of activity based budgeting on target costing practices. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics Administrative Sciences, 15(1), 213-233. Farm Financial Standard Council, (n.d). Managerial Accounting Case Studies. Case Study, No. 1, 1-14.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Farm Standard Council Case: Cost Allocation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Harvey, R. K. (2010).Throw Out Fixed and Va riable Cost Thinking- Bring In Activity-Based Costing to Business Decisions. White Paper, I, 1-6. Rezaie, K., Ostadi, B., Torabi, S. A. (2008). Activitybased costing in flexible manufacturing systems with a case study in a forging industry. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (4), 1047-1069.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
John Mills onLiberity essays
John Mills onLiberity essays The fear that Mill expresses in On liberty about public opinion is communicated with three major ideas: individualism, liberty, and human nature. Public opinion has the ability of removing each one of these ideas from a democratic society, allowing for change that creates an environment that is unstable to new discoveries and ideas that are vital for evolution. This problem is deemed irrelevant by todays democratic society. However the truth of the matter is that the threat of public opinion is still as great as it was when Mill wrote On liberty. Mill is timid of public opinion for one main reason: that public opinion causes loss of individuality in society. To understand this in its entirety, one person must first understand Mills logic behind this fear. Public opinion causes people to make the same decisions which others have already have made. This choice of following the same path is unconscious, due to the fact that pubic opinion is deeply imbedded in the truths that society hold; such as education. Every extension of education promotes it (public opinion), because education brings people under common influences, and gives them access to the general stock of facts and sentiments (98). In essence, a person believes that he is making a choice when embracing the same opinion as others. However, in reality, individuals have no reassurance that education itself has not given people the same opinion. By having public opinion, no true reasoning is involved, but just accepting of facts. This lack of individual input the down fall of a society in Mills opinion, If the grounds of an opinion are not conclusive to a persons own reason, his reason cannot be strengthened, but is likely to be weakened, by his adopting it: and if the inducements to an act are not such as are conclusiveness to his own feeling and character it is so much done towards rendering his feeling and cha ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Leadership and Supervision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Leadership and Supervision - Research Paper Example From the discussion it is clear that the University of Houston tailored the course under the name Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership and Supervision (OLS) but the University of South Carolina offers the course under the name Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership. In the University of the South Carolina (USC), the course markets itself in the community as basing on the Human side of commerce management process. It provides Organizational leadership for people in various industries focusing on encouraging and motivating employees in execution and implementation of the organizational change. These two courses are vital in the development of the management personnel in the in the oil and gas industry thus enhancing profitability, maximizing outputs and creating standard operational mechanisms.This paper highlights that the USC leadership degree aims at enhancing human leadership through motivation of the employees and facilitation of organizational change. In contrast, HUOLS aims at availing trainees or students with a competitive edge while undertaking leadership and enhanced supervisory responsibilities, especially in technology grounded  organizations. The HUOLS degree deals with the consistently growing and changing complex of engaged leadership in various organizations that mostly base on relying on technology on the daily basis. HUOLS degree is characterized by the provision of empowering approach to the practice to leaders in various firms. Â
Friday, October 18, 2019
Delivering Superior Customer Service- Amazon Essay
Delivering Superior Customer Service- Amazon - Essay Example Instead, brand has improved in significance in relation to other purchase drivers such as location, price, habit and convenience (Millward Brown 3). The Millward Brown survey shows that too many brands are not successful in optimizing their power to persuade, and rather overstress cost while under leverage desire. Some prominent takeaways from the study are that brands, which enjoy strong equity normally, rate high on desire (Millward Brown 4). Also, the most priceless brands successfully drive a desire to shift from normal to astonishing productivity. Finally, according to the study, leading brands such as Amazon do not ignore price, but they adjust price derived from desire (Millward Brown 4). Also, in another study released by ForeSee on customer satisfaction among internet shopping giants, Amazon topped the list (Tecca 1). The truth that Amazon was number one among dozens of companies with regards to their customer satisfaction is not an outstanding finding to the 152 million ind ividuals with active Amazon customer accounts (Tecca 1). What is outstanding is the reality that ForeSee’s client satisfaction score of Amazon is the highest score ever to be awarded to any online shopping website (Tecca 1). It is vital to take note that ForeSee have been carrying out their studies for over five years now and that no other business has attained a higher rating than Amazon. Therefore, Amazon clients have always been satisfied, and the online firm will always strive to satisfy their clients (Tecca 1). An Amazon Prime membership will only cost someone $79 a year. They can begin with a one-month free tryout, or if they are a parent or a student, the Amazon Mom and Amazon Student programs respectively provide other benefits. A single membership can be shared with a maximum of four extra individuals, so someone in a family of four can all get the membership for one annually fee (Tecca 1). A customer can get a free two-day shipping, as well as $3.99 one-day shipping on appropriate purchases. The firm’s account of a perfect client experience is one in which their clients do not just want to talk to them (Tecca 1). Each and every time a client contacts Amazon, they see it as a flaw. The firm says that they consider their clients as friends, but not merchants. Any person can be eligible for the normal Amazon Prime membership, even though subscribers in the U.S. can see the streaming video for free. Buying of goods sold by Amazon itself are primarily eligible for free tow-day shipping, even though some goods are extremely bulky, hazardous and heavy material may get normal shipping instead (Tecca 1). The Amazon Mom and Amazon Student programs provide benefits close to Amazon Prime, but they are not fairly the same (Tecca 1). For example, neither program offers free streaming video. Amazon Student subscribers are entitled to the same shipping benefits as Prime members for six months of subscription and also get deals, as well as promotions li mited to students. Amazon Mom subscribers, on the other hand, get the Prime shipping benefits for only three months and can prolong that through earning an additional month of free shipping for every $US 25 used in the Baby Store (Tecca 1). Amazon Mom subscribers also get discounts, as well as exclusive deals on a variety of baby products. Going through the reviews on their
Creating a Government Tax on Marijuana Research Paper
Creating a Government Tax on Marijuana - Research Paper Example Its use today is for a combination of medical and religious purposes, but recreational use is no less popular. This is why it would really be beneficial to tax marijuana, as it would bring in a sizeable amount of taxes to the USA and really boost our economy in the present lackluster conditions. Why One Would Support a Government Tax on Marijuana One tends to support a Government Tax on marijuana to legalize its use and make it available to those who want it. There are those who need it for medicinal purposes and it would be cruel to deny them this privilege. For those who are habitual drug users and are addicted to the substance, they would find a way to get it anyway and frequently use criminal avenues to satisfy their needs. By making marijuana legal, the street value would reduce and illegal smuggling would be stopped or greatly reduced. Drug control authorities could then concentrate on rehabilitation rather than on stopping the sources of illegal supply. Drug education is a bet ter way of stopping the menace and should be widely introduced in schools, colleges and universities. By making dealing in commercial quantities a punishable offence this would solve the matter in terms of arresting and incarcerating drug pushers as well. There are two commonly used methods of taxing the citizens of a State or nation. One is by direct taxation in the form of deduction from salaries or other earnings of individuals and corporations. This amount then gets transferred in the accounts and coffers of the IRS. The other is by indirect taxation. In this case, the tax is hidden in the various commodities that we buy and sell that contain marijuana in one form or another. Since there has usually been a huge hue and cry raised over allowing consumption and use of marijuana in the USA for medicinal purposes anyway, the State or Federal Government can allow a minimum threshold of use per month or per year without taxation, and anything above that would be automatically taxed at the decided rates. This would appease the groups of people that use marijuana for medicinal purposes such as in the suppression and control of chronic pain, or for religious and spiritual uses. With the number of people smoking, injecting and inhaling marijuana in its various forms increasing every day, there is a good amount of tax to be earned from it. According to UN estimates, marijuana is the most widely consumed illicit drug in the world. While the Federal Government supports the control and restrictions on marijuana, around 14 States in the USA have allowed the use of marijuana to date. It is worth remembering that was only in the early part of the 20th century that the open and unrestricted use of marijuana was challenged and made illegal. Even so, countries like Spain, Canada, Austria and the Netherlands have legalized a certain amount of marijuana for personal and medicinal use. In fact, there is an argument that production of hemp in large quantities was outlawed because it was a cheap substitute for paper and nylon. It would have ruined the business plans of DuPont, the inventor of nylon and affected the fortunes of William Randolph Hearst, who had invested millions in the wood industry (Wishnia, 3). The Case against Legalization The debate as to whether the use of marijuana should be legalized or not is far from over. Among the reasons opposing legalization of this drug are its known harmful effects. For instance, it has been documented that the use of mariju
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Internet banking applications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Internet banking applications - Research Paper Example According to the research as soon as technology bulged out from the conventional manual working trends, people who were tired of time consuming repetitive tasks obliged, and accepted it. That is the sole reason behind technology gaining sudden fame and it is only the charisma of technology that the power of mainframes is now present in handhelds. Such rapid advancement in technology was due to man’s eagerness and need of making things work on his fingertips. Technology, soon after its introduction in the markets and after the revelation of its endless benefits became a necessity for everyone. From MNCs to home users, technology is everywhere. The usage of technology of course is different with everyone but the truth is that it is used everywhere in some capacity or the other. Banking is one of the oldest businesses in the world. Since the evolution of human mind, human beings are constantly involved in making transactions and carrying out trade and business. Slowly but steadil y, the banking system also gained popularity and became popular. This meant that the clientele of each bank were increasing exponentially. Therefore, banking theories and studies became a crux part of finance and accounting curriculum. It was soon realized that banks should use the numeric computation and storage power of computers to enhance their business processes. This made competition stiffer and this is by virtue of this competition that value added services were introduced by banks. These value added services such as ATM’s and Internet Banking not only provided the banks competitive edge but also first mover advantage. This influx of technology not only introduced several different technologies at the workplace but also ensure that banks were making great sales as customers were willing to pay more for these value added services (Ghaziri, 1998). The term ‘Internet Banking’ was coined in 1980’s (Scholasticus, n.d.) but it’s no more a technical jargon these days as even basic customers who have very little knowledge of internet can use this technology to make financial transactions. This idea of doing online transactions got very modest reception when it was first launched primarily because of high internet costs and the vulnerability of such applications. The idea of virtual transactions didn’t appeal the conventional users but time proved them, otherwise. The aim of this dissertation is to do a threadbare analysis on internet banking applications that are currently in use in the industry. Some relevant questions that we will look to answer are: How actually these internet banking applications work? Are these applications really worth it? How these internet banking applications have evolved over the period of time and what extra features are now available in these applications? These questions will just act as the starting point of our research and will be answered comprehensively. Moreover, a peep into currently used architectures and applications themselves will also be a point of focus throughout our studies. 2. Objectives The objectives of this research are clearly elicited and they will help in providing a broader overview of the complete architecture that is normally being deployed in a bank. To calculate ROI generated because of this value added feature To perform trend analysis on different internet banking applications To determine different KPI’s that will help us analyze an internet banking application’s efficiency To study the general 3-tier architecture of a complete internet banking application To study factors that can further enhance an internet banking application To study peripheral applications that work with mainstream Internet Banking application To examine other channels that interact and study if they can work in line with the internet banking application To determine factors that can affect internet banking software’s performance 3. Background The forerunner of the modern times, Internet Banking was started as distance
Business Law - solution of the specific case Essay
Business Law - solution of the specific case - Essay Example Joey suffered injuries while working in Monica's restaurant. When an employee works in an establishment it is the duty and responsibility of the owner to provide necessary safety measures to the employees. If an employee sustains any injuries while carrying out the work for the employer, the employer has got the responsibility to bear the cost of hospitalization of the injured employee and has to pay compensation in monetary or otherwise, if the question arises. As such Joey is entitled to have the above benefits. She can claim for the benefits under Worker's Compensation Insurance, because it was the duty of Monica to put her under the insurance coverage. Joey can also seek legal remedies as per The Fair Work laws, which gives her the minimum entitlements of benefits of an employee in terms of Rachel is a courier, trading under her 'own registered business name'. She is totally an independent contractor and is not a paid employee of Monica. Though she acts as a courier of Monica, she lacks the status of an employee of Monica. So Monica must consider Rachel as an independent contractor. The issue is similar to the case of: AMP Society v Allen and Chaplin (1978) 52 ALJR 407. If Monica considers Rachel as a part-time employee, she has to treat her in that status and has the responsibility to bring her under the provisions of The Fair Work Laws, and also she has to adhere to the terms and conditions of Award. And if Monica thinks that Rachel is an independent contractor, she does not have any such financial liabilities or responsibilities on Rachel. Monica has no need to worry over the conditions stipulated as per The Fair Work laws which entitle an employee to have the minimum award of pay and other conditions. 3 Qn. 2. Monica v. Phoebe Issues: Phoebe was an employee of Monica. She was engaged as chef on a contract basis. There was a written contract between them, and according to the contract, if Phoebe ceases to work under Monica, then Phoebe should not work in any hospitality industry anywhere within Adelaide for 6 months. But Phoebe violated the terms and conditions of the agreement, and joined another restaurant less than 1 km away from Monica's restaurant. Moreover, she has utilized the information obtained from her work at Monica's restaurant and used that information in the form of book of recipes, and earned monetary benefits out of it, to which Monica has also got some rights. Whether the profits of the book go to charity or others is not relevant here. What matters is that Phoebe has made a criminal (cheating) as well as a civil offence. Her actions caused pecuniary loss to Monica and damaged her business prospects. Conclusion: As such Monica can approach the Court for legal remedies and claim damages against Phoebe. 4 Qn. 3 Award and Enterprise Agreement 3. Describe and discuss the differences between an award and an enterprise agreement. Award: ( Award is a legal document which defines the minimal preconditions under which an employee is being employed. It addresses issues like wages, sick leave, holidays, overtime and it also sometimes sets out the basic prerequisites like maternity leave. It is the duty of the employers to follow the conditions of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Internet banking applications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Internet banking applications - Research Paper Example According to the research as soon as technology bulged out from the conventional manual working trends, people who were tired of time consuming repetitive tasks obliged, and accepted it. That is the sole reason behind technology gaining sudden fame and it is only the charisma of technology that the power of mainframes is now present in handhelds. Such rapid advancement in technology was due to man’s eagerness and need of making things work on his fingertips. Technology, soon after its introduction in the markets and after the revelation of its endless benefits became a necessity for everyone. From MNCs to home users, technology is everywhere. The usage of technology of course is different with everyone but the truth is that it is used everywhere in some capacity or the other. Banking is one of the oldest businesses in the world. Since the evolution of human mind, human beings are constantly involved in making transactions and carrying out trade and business. Slowly but steadil y, the banking system also gained popularity and became popular. This meant that the clientele of each bank were increasing exponentially. Therefore, banking theories and studies became a crux part of finance and accounting curriculum. It was soon realized that banks should use the numeric computation and storage power of computers to enhance their business processes. This made competition stiffer and this is by virtue of this competition that value added services were introduced by banks. These value added services such as ATM’s and Internet Banking not only provided the banks competitive edge but also first mover advantage. This influx of technology not only introduced several different technologies at the workplace but also ensure that banks were making great sales as customers were willing to pay more for these value added services (Ghaziri, 1998). The term ‘Internet Banking’ was coined in 1980’s (Scholasticus, n.d.) but it’s no more a technical jargon these days as even basic customers who have very little knowledge of internet can use this technology to make financial transactions. This idea of doing online transactions got very modest reception when it was first launched primarily because of high internet costs and the vulnerability of such applications. The idea of virtual transactions didn’t appeal the conventional users but time proved them, otherwise. The aim of this dissertation is to do a threadbare analysis on internet banking applications that are currently in use in the industry. Some relevant questions that we will look to answer are: How actually these internet banking applications work? Are these applications really worth it? How these internet banking applications have evolved over the period of time and what extra features are now available in these applications? These questions will just act as the starting point of our research and will be answered comprehensively. Moreover, a peep into currently used architectures and applications themselves will also be a point of focus throughout our studies. 2. Objectives The objectives of this research are clearly elicited and they will help in providing a broader overview of the complete architecture that is normally being deployed in a bank. To calculate ROI generated because of this value added feature To perform trend analysis on different internet banking applications To determine different KPI’s that will help us analyze an internet banking application’s efficiency To study the general 3-tier architecture of a complete internet banking application To study factors that can further enhance an internet banking application To study peripheral applications that work with mainstream Internet Banking application To examine other channels that interact and study if they can work in line with the internet banking application To determine factors that can affect internet banking software’s performance 3. Background The forerunner of the modern times, Internet Banking was started as distance
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Obesity in children-long term effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Obesity in children-long term effects - Essay Example tioned earlier, the effects of obesity are dichotomized into â€Å"immediate†and â€Å"Long-term†effects therefore, the prime focus of this prose is to assess both the long-term and immediate effects of obesity that will be discussed one by one in the following text. Obesity exposes the child to higher risk of suffering from a cardiovascular disease and are also more susceptible to prediabetes; a condition characterized by high blood-glucose level that may develop into diabetes in later parts of their lives. (Kiess, 2004) Children suffering from obesity often experience chronic pain in their limbs, back and joints because of relatively high weight than their heights and age. Obesity also exposes the child to social and psychological repercussions that causes the child to feel socially stigmatized and have lower self-esteem. On the other hand, researches have also discovered that individuals who suffer from obesity in their childhood are likely to suffer from it in their adulthood. Therefore, the individuals are exposed to all the health risk factors outlined earlier and obesity is also associated with many types of cancer. (CDC, 2011) High fat level in the body exposes the individual to cancer of the breast, colon, cervix, gall bladder, kidney and thyroid. The stress on the joints and bones can cause significant amount of distress to the individual and it also leads to respiratory problems and sleep apnea the latter is associated with high blood pressure. The additional weight adds pressure on the chest wall and lungs that causes the child to have trouble breathing resulting in troubled sleep during the night and sleepiness during the day. Due to fatigue and joint pain the individual is unable to partake in physically challenging activities and may lead to even more fat deposition in the child. (CDC, 2011) It is evident that obesity affects every individual regardless of age however, in children the problems may be more pronounced because the child
Section 176 Of Companies Act 1965 Essay Example for Free
Section 176 Of Companies Act 1965 Essay In Malaysia companies Act 1965 (CA), is one of the vital statutes which govern and regulate the formation and operation of a company. All the sections in this statute govern each and every part of company governance. In this case section 176 of Companies Act plays a very important role on arrangements and reconstruction of a company when the company heavily burdened with debt. Financial crisis is the most dangerous and a serious disadvantage for a company, in such situations companies normally will use this provision to escape and avoid liabilities against their creditors. This section allows the company to make arrangement and reconstruction where they can negotiate with the other parties such as creditors regarding the debt they owe. Section 176(5) of CA, must be read together with section 176 (3) of CA, where this section stress that the order made under subsection (3) is not valid until a copy of the said order is given to the registrar and only after the order is lodged, the said order will carry a binding effect from the date of the order lodgment. On the other hand, if the court find is reasonable than the court may determine any earlier date as specified in the order. This section basically talks about the date and effectiveness of the notice which been agreed by members and creditors as per subsection (3) of this provision.1 According to subsection (6), a copy of the order which made under subsection (3), must be put together or annexed with every single copy of the company’s memorandum which is issued after the order made under subsection (3).2 In the event where the company does not have a memorandum, than the order should be annexed to all instruments constituting or defining the constitution of the company. This is generally to give knowledge to a third party about the agreement between the company and the members or creditors. In this case the court may and have power to determine the period of time where the company shall comply to subsection (6). This can be seen in subsection (7) of the same provision.3 Any company fail to follow subsection (6) will be guilty of an offence against subsection (9) of the same provision where penalty of RM 2,000.00 will be imposed.4 Section 176 (10) of CA, govern the power of court to restrain proceedings.5 Here in this subsection, when there is no resolution or arrangement is made by members and creditors with company, the court have power to restrain further proceedings in any action against the company. There are certain things the company has to do once the company obtains such order from the court. First, the company shall lodge a copy to Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). Second, the company should publish the obtained order in newspapers so that all the members and creditors of the company can know about the restrain order. Subsection (10A) says that the court may grant the restrain order for a period of not more than 90 days but there are four situations where the courts can extent the period of the restrain order for good reason. Firstly, the court must be satisfied that there is a proposal for compromise or arrangement between the company and the creditors and the creditor who representing this must hold one half of the value of all creditors which is basically 50 percent. Secondly, the court must feel that the restraining order is important for the company and the creditors to make arrangements or scheme of compromise for the approval of the creditors. Thirdly, a statement in the prescribed form must be made before three days before of the application of the order. Fourthly, the court must approve a nominated person among the creditors to act as a director of the company. These four things must be satisfied by the court for the court to give extension of time for the restrain order.6 In the case of PECD Bhd Anor v. Merino-ODD Sdn Bhd Ors the court held that, for the court to grant the extension of time more than 90 days, the company should and must follow the entire four things which stated in subsection (10A) of section 176.7 About the good reasons, Justice Vincent Ng have stated that the word good reason in section 176(10A) of CA, refers to the applicants’ bona fide intention and action to make arrangement or scheme of compromise in the case of Metroplex Bhd Ors V Morgan Stanley Emerging Markets Inc.8 Section 176 on the CA is actually a sealed but not a sword. The intention of section 176 CA is actually to help companies which face some serious financial problems and debts to the creditors. This provision is must be used by the companies to prevent bankruptcy and as a chance to settle the debts to the creditors. However, some companies may misuse this section for their own enjoyment or benefit which was not and never the intention of parliament for enacting this provision. When companies start to misuse this provision, the objective of this provision is misinterpretated. This misinterpretation can be said as one of the reason for financial crisis in 1997. Some companies may use these provisions to cheat the creditors of the company; in this case the improper usage of this section may lead to injustice to creditors. As a conclusion, section 176 of CA is very important provision which should be interpreted as per the original intention of the enactment. This provision is very helpful for the companies in financial difficulties and it will provide room for the companies to run their business and gain profit to overcome the debts. This provision also does not violate the rights of the creditors where by using this provision the company cannot escape the debt but only can obtain some time extension to repay it. This section must be used in a good manner so that the company and also the creditors do not held in injustice.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Structure of the Kidney: Causes of Kidney Disease
The Structure of the Kidney: Causes of Kidney Disease The structure of the kidney The kidney is surrounded by the renal capsule and split into 3 sections, the medulla, the cortex and then the renal pelvis. Each kidney is supplied with oxygenated blood, by the renal artery and removes deoxygenated blood via the renal vein. Once the kidneys carry out their filtration mechanism, they empty their waste product, down the ureter. The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney and over a million of these are found within each kidney allowing it to carry out its function. Notice how it spans across the different kidney sections. (i) The juxtaglomerular apparatus is the main filtration of blood occurs in nephrons and this is where the glomerulus and Bowmans capsule interact. (ii) The mesengial cells are found closely associated with the filtration part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and their position links with their role in causing inflammation in glomeruli. (iii) The Podocytes are also found near glomerular capillaries and these may fuse together and influence the filtration of the glomerulus, causing Hodgkins disease. This disease is a type of swelling due to the diversion of accumulating products, which are not filtered and so deposited to other parts of the body. Glomerulonephritis (GN) is a type of kidney disease; where by filtration of the blood is disrupted. It is mainly associated with the glomeruli in the kidneys, becoming inflamed (NHS Choices 2009) and there can be different types of the disease which may be proliferative or non-proliferative. The main cause of the disease is not precisely known but, there are many possible explanations. The most common explanation for proliferative GN is due to an immune system response, where inflammatory cells like platelets or macrophages become trapped in the glomeruli (Couser 1999). Here they circulate and accumulate, initiating a mechanism that leads to inflammation of the glomeruli (Couser 1999). This is the mechanism for the most common form of proliferative GN, known as Immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy (DAmico 1987). This is when IgA proteins, which fight infections, build up within the glomeruli and therefore inflammation (Geeky Medics 2010). Another immune system response involves antibodies interacting with antigens, formed by the glomerular basement membrane, which can also trigger inflammation (Watson and Royle 1987). Another possible explanation for proliferative GN is infection-related, following invasion by bacteria of the Streptoccoci strain (Ryan and Ray 2004), which targets the skin or pharyngeal tissue (Watson and Royle 1987). This results in post-infectious GN which can also be associated with other infections like bacterial endocarditis or HIV (Mayo Clinic 2009). In addition, it is also suggested that vasculitic disorders, like Wegeners Granulomatosis can result in crescentic GN (Geeky Medics 2010) (Figure 4). Crescentic GM In Wegeners Granulomatosis, blood vessels become inflamed, having an effect on the filtration rate of the glomerulus and leads to the formation of crescent shaped scars. Non-proliferative GN can be idiopathic, such as membranous GN, or may just simply be genetically linked like focal segmental GN (Geeky Medics 2010). When looking at GN (mainly proliferative) we need to also consider the mesengial cells (Figure 3, ii). GN can be recognised by an increase in the number of mesengial cells and their intracellular contents (Churg 2006). They rapidly multiply, increasing the thickness of this layer and press against the glomerular capillaries (Churg 2006) (Figure 5). Histology of proliferative GN As the mesengial cells multiply, they increase in number and compress against the glomerular capillary and contribute towards the glomerulus increasing in circumference. Taken from (Churg 2006). In some cases, the mesengial cells may even invade the glomerular capillaries and sit in between the filtration part of the nephron, made up of endothelial cells and the basement membrane (Figure 6) (Churg 2006). Hence, the basement membrane appears split, disrupting renal filtration and therefore resulting in a certain type of GN, known as membranoproliferative GN (Hope et al. 1993). A Normal Glomerular Capillary Proliferation of the mesengial cells leads to invasion between the epithelial cells and the basement membrane, disrupting glomerular filtration and leading to GN. Taken from The glomerular capillaries are also where proteins from the immune system may be trapped between the basement membrane and the epithelial cells, which accumulate and form humps in the glomerular capillary walls (Churg 2006), resulting in membranous GN (Hope et al. 1993). Specifically in crescentic GN, which is infection related, there is an increase in epithelial cells which compress the glomerulus and causes scars, described as crescent shaped (Malvinder 2008) (Figure 4). However there can be milder forms of GN, with the most common being minimal change GN, caused by the fusion of podocytes (Hope et al. 1993) (Figure 3, iii). When looking at post-infectious GN, we find that it is normally the group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus bacteria which causes infection (Watson and Royle 1987) and brings about acute post-streptococcal GN (APSGN) (Duvuru 2010). The activity of this bacterium is thought to be associated with the accumulation of streptococcal antigens, binding to the immune antibodies, which are then deposited on the glomerulus basement membrane (Field et al. 2010) (Figure 7). APSGN (Arrows show where the antigen-antibody complexes have been deposited.) As the antigen is bound to the antibodies, it prevents the antibodies from inflicting a defence mechanism and leads to modification of the glomerular basement membrane (Field et al. 2010). There are many signs and symptoms associated with GN, which can vary between the different forms of GN, but there are common symptoms that are found in all types. As the glomeruli are obstructed, filtration is reduced and allows for blood to leak into the tubules and therefore this blood passes out into the urine (Watson and Royle 1987). The urine may also be described as cloudy and this is due to proteinuria. This is when excess serum proteins are passed out, in the urine (Nordqvist 2009) due to the impaired filtration mechanism (Field et al. 2010) . This excess serum may also be linked with symptoms of nausea and vomiting, which are also associated with GN (Unanue 2011). The urine may also be described as, haematuria, where red blood cells are lost, triggering anaemia in GN sufferers (Watson and Royle 1987). Another common symptom is swelling, as there is a diversion of accumulating products, which are not filter, to other parts of the body (Hicks 2009). Symptoms related to respira tory problems such, a sore throat or skin rash would be more significant in post-infectious GN due to streptococci bacteria infecting the pharyngeal tissue and the skin (Feldon et al. 2010). Another common symptom is hypertension, caused by salt and water preservation and therefore activation of the renin-angiotensin system (Field et al. 2010) (Figure 8). The Renin-angiotensin (aldosterone) system (RAS) As there is an accumulation of water and salt, the circulating volume also increases and activates RAS. RAS then vasoconstricts blood vessels, causing an increase in blood pressure, which is a symptom of GN. Diagnosis of GN, tends to be via Urinalysis, in order to find the presence of blood and proteins in the urine (Haggerty 2002). Also a blood test can be taken and if there is an accumulation of waste products, such as creatinine or urea-nitrogen then this can indicate GN (Haggerty 2002). The blood can also be checked for anti-streptolysin titre, due to reactions by streptococci bacteria and another indication of GN (Brunner and Suddarth 1990). Otherwise a much simpler swab of the throat could be used to detect the streptococcal infection, which is used widespread (Hicks 2009). A final diagnostic evaluation is by carrying out a renal biopsy in order to view the inflamed glomeruli and accumulation of cells surrounding the glomerular capillaries (Brunner and Suddarth 1990).These tend to be the most common diagnostic procedures but investigations can be made by means of other methods, like in radiology, where a renal ultrasound is used (Hope et al. 1993). Treatments on GN sufferers can range and depends on the type of GN that they suffer from, but the main aim of treatment is to promote kidney function and reduce symptoms of GN (Hicks 2009). By simply getting plenty of rest, until the urine becomes clear and levels of nitrogenous waste products regularize, can encourage the regain of renal function and a reduction of the other symptoms associated with GN (Hope et al. 1993). Another treatment used is by regulating the diet and fluids of the GN sufferer, for example, by placing restrictions on dietary proteins and compensating for fluid loses by drinking plenty of fluids (Hope et al. 1993). It has been predicted that drugs which block the Angiotensin II receptors or ACE inhibitors may be a form of treatment, for reducing the effects of GN, but this is still being investigated (McMillan 2010). As there are different forms of the disease, different drugs may be used to treat each form, for example in GN caused by immune response, corticos teroids or immunosuppressant may be used, but this is not a definite treatment for GN (McMillan 2010). Treatment of vasculitic disorders like Wegeners granulomatosis, can be a form of treatment, which found that plasma exchange can be used to minimise the effects of immune antibodies which lead to the development of GN (Casian 2011). Current novel methods being researched, investigate pathological mechanisms of GN, to possibly produce a drug to reverse this mechanism. One interesting study identified that the voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv1.3 was found in the glomeruli and tubules of rats, with GN (Hyodo et al. 2010).They suggest that Kv1.3 targets and restrain memory T cells, which act like an immune response by recognising foreign bodies (Hyodo et al. 2010). After using a Kv1.3 blocker drug, they found that the rats produced less proteinuria and their glomeruli had less scarring (Hyodo et al. 2010). The study concluded that this Kv1.3 could be the cause of GN and could be a useful finding to potentiate a cure for GN in humans, which is still being investigated (Hyodo et al. 2010). Another study suggested that kidney disease may be linked with bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), which are growth factors that are important in the regulation on kidney function (Suh et al. 2011). As they interact with binding sites found in the epithelial cells, this study investigated whether polymorphism of the gene for BMP, may play a role in GN (Suh et al. 2011). The study concluded that mutations in this gene may cause children to become susceptible to IgA nephropathy, which is currently being investigated and could mean a possible treatment mechanism (Suh et al. 2011). One other study investigated the presence of myleoperoxidase-associated anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (MPO-ANCA) and anti-glomerular basement antibodies (anti-GBM Ab) as a possible cause of the crescent shaped scars in rapid progressive GN (RPGM), but this is also still being investigated (Nakabayashi et al. 2011). To conclude GM, is a diverse renal disease, which can be acute or chronic in terms of its causes and consequences. The disease is still being thoroughly investigated today as no definite treatment has been found. Word count 1.498
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Crystals :: essays research papers
Melt Suspension Crystallization (MSC) is a technique, that can be used for large scale separation and ultrapurification of organic compounds. Because of the high selectivity of crystallization, the moderate operating conditions, and the relatively low latent heat of fusion, the energy consumption of these kind of processes is low. Furthermore, the use and regeneration of toxic or explosive solvents can be avoided. Thus, MSC can be regarded as an environmentally and economically promising technique for wide industrial application. In MSC crystals are grown from a melt, that contains impurities of up to 30 wt%. The purity of the product is often higher than 99.9 wt%. To obtain this purity an efficient solid-liquid separation is of major importance, because the crystals themselves are almost pure. To optimize the separation efficiency large crystals with a small size distribution have to be formed. The operation of crystallization is exacting. Largeâ€â€capacity evaporators are not suited to the careful control and flexible manipulation required for a successful ‘strike’, or actual crystallization, of solid sugar crystals. For this purpose, the concentrated liquor is transferred from the evaporators to the ‘pan.’ The pan is essentially a simple vacuum evaporator in which the removal of water continues until the concentration is appropriate for crystallization. As this proceeds, juice continues to be drawn into the pan in order to maintain a supply of crystallizable sugar. The concentration of impurities increases in the syrup as sugar is withdrawn by crystallization, and the entire boiling mass stiffens as the viscosity increases and the quantity of crystals grows. These two factors determine the termination of the strike, since the deposition of sugar on the growing crystals is impeded more and more as the mother liquor becomes more impure and more viscous. The concentration of sucrose probably exceeds the saturation point by a considerable degree before crystallization begins. When this critical condition is reached, significantly large numbers of crystal nuclei of the supersaturated solute are formed suddenly and proceed to grow at their normal pace. Growth would cease as the syrup falls to saturation, were not fresh liquor continually introduced.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Canterbury Tales Essay :: essays research papers
In Geoffrey Chaucer’s â€Å"The Canterbury Tales†, many characters suffer from Dante’s â€Å"Seven Deadly Sins†. I have chosen to write about The Skipper, for his avariciousness and wrath; The Miller for his pride and avariciousness; and also The Franklin for his gluttony, avariciousness and slothfulness. I have found examples for these in â€Å"The Prologue†by Chaucer. The Skipper is avaricious and also suffers from wrath. He is avaricious because he would gain someone’s trust so they would do business with him and then he would steal from them and cheat them. In â€Å"The Prologue†(pg. 103 lines 407-408), it reads, â€Å"He’d drawn at Bordeaux, while the trader snored. The nicer rules of conscience he ignored†. He also suffered from wrath, anytime he had extra people on his ship, he would make them walk the plank. In â€Å"The Prologue†(pg.103 lines 409-410), it says, â€Å"If, when he fought, the enemy vessel sank, he sent the prisoners home: they walked the plank†. The Miller was inflicted by pride and avariciousness. He was very prideful. He would boast about anything that he could do well. In â€Å"The Prologue†(pg. 107 lines 557-558), it says, â€Å"Broad, knotty and short-shouldered, he would boast, He could heave any door off hinge and post†. He was an avaricious man. He would steal grain for himself. In â€Å"The Prologue†, it says, â€Å"His was a master-hand at stealing grain. He felt it with his thumb and thus he knew its quality and took three times his due†. (Pg. 107 lines 570-572) The Franklin suffered from gluttony, lust and slothfulness. He ate all the time. He had way too much food and it was all for himself. In â€Å"The Prologue†, it reads, â€Å"His bread, his ale were the finest of fine, and no one had a better stock of wine. His house was never short of bake-meat pies†¦..†(Pg. 101 lines 351-354). He lusted for pleasure. That is all he wanted from life. In â€Å"The Prologue†, it says, â€Å"He loved a morning sop of cake and wine, he lived for pleasure and always have done†. (Pg.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Principle of marketing extra credit case study Essay
In stark contrast to British Airways, Aeroflot-Russian Airlines is new to the skies of international commercial airlines. Aeroflot’s 114 planes transported 3.8 million passengers in 1996 compared to British Airlines’ 25.35 million passengers. Aeroflot’s figures are down considerably from 1991, the year before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, when its 5,400 planes carried 138 million passengers. Since 1991 the airline has had trouble adjusting from a monopoly to a competitive marketplace as the rival private Russian airline, Transaero, built passenger loyalty by stressing good service and on-time flights. Aeroflot’s attempt to become a world class airline has been hampered by a poor safety record, bad food, surly service, dilapidated cabins and frequently cancelled or late flights. At less than 60%, Aeroflot’s load factor (the percentage of seats on each flight occupied by paying customers), is the lowest in the international airline industry. In order to expand its business in this highly competitive industry Aeroflot has copied many of the strategies the leading airlines. In January 1997, the airline announced a marketing alliance with Continental Airlines to allow Continental flights from Newark, NJ to Moscow’s Sheremetyeva International Airport. Aeroflot has renovated its training academy to include a curriculum that focuses on image and marketing, and includes the slogan, â€Å"the customer is always right.†The airline launched Telephone Confidential, a customer complaint line, and in an effort to modernise its fleet ordered 10 Boeing 737s. Marketing has been a big part of Aeroflot’s fight to gain back passengers. The image the airline has selected for itself in its first multimedia advertising campaign attempts to convince sceptical consumers that the airline has solved its safety and service problems. The campaign uses magazine, billboard and TV commercials, and features a flying elephant with a slogan that translates into â€Å"light on its feet.†The not so subtle message means that if elephants can fly, so can Aeroflot. Aeroflot’s web page (, exhibits a decidedly western influence. The home page has links to pages that describe its airplane fleet, a graphic presentation and description of Moscow’s Sheremetyeva airport, flight schedule, news, information, cargo, routeway, charter, and travel office. Judging from the neat, professional appearance of the Web page, Aeroflot’s competitors need to be prepared for a dogfight to keep this airline from cutting into their business. Questions: 1. What are the advertising objectives for Aeroflot’s Flying Elephant campaign? 2. How could Aeroflot’s build brand recognition in Vietnam? Explain the process with supporting details. 3. Explain how Aeroflot could position their services for maximum competitive advantage in the airline industry in South East Asia. Sources:; Alessandra Stanley, â€Å"Hod the Jokes, Please: Aeroflot Buffs Its Image,†The New York Times, June 29, 1997, p. F1; Al Frank, â€Å"Continental Signs with Aeroflot for Daily Moscow Flights,†Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News, January 15, 1997; â€Å"On a Wing and a Prayer: Aviation in Russia,†The Economist, October 5, 1996, p. 103; Victoria Pope, â€Å"The Gray Chicken is Definitely Out, Aeroflot Tries to Learn Service with a Smile,†U. S. News and World Report, October 28, 1996, p. 45.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How Does the Prologue at the Start of Romeo and Juliet Create Suspense?
How does the Prologue at the start of Romeo and Juliet create suspense? William Shakespeare, writer of Romeo and Juliet, creates suspense through the use of different techniques. Shakespeare is very particular in his choice of diction, by wisely picking specific vocabulary to create an atmosphere. It is usual that a Greek tragedy, such as Romeo and Juliet, contains a Prologue to set the tone for the rest of the play. Shakespeare wrote the Prologue in a Sonnet form using Iambic Pentameter, which contains 10 syllables per line.Iambic Pentameter uses of unstressed and stressed syllables to create a rhythm or flow to the Prologue. The rhyming ABAB pattern is used throughout the whole poem except the two last lines, which are rhyming couplet. Shakespeare used this type of writing to copy a real life speech, as this would be the case when someone did a public reading of the Prologue. The sonnet form normally informs that the play will be about love, suggesting to the audience what kind of play they are about to watch. Like every play that contains love, Shakespeare also includes a certain amount of hate, to create drama.At the beginning of the paragraph Shakespeare creates suspension at the opening sentence. The way in which Shakespeare uses his rhyming techniques draws a big attention to the opening phrase, â€Å"two household†families. The diction â€Å"two†emphases that the poem is about two families off the same standards, which may have some kind of conflict between them. It then briefly describes the two families Capulet and Montague’s; hinting that two families are similar in a way that they are all respected since they are â€Å"both alike in dignity†.By using the term â€Å"alike†suggests that they are to the same degree, none of them are superior. This opening sentence creates suspense because Shakespeare doesn’t reveal what would be the conflict between the two families or why are they alike in dignity. On the o ther hand, on the second line the â€Å"fair Verona†which is the place where the scene is laid out is a place of beauty, Verona is known as an Italian city that has a splendid beauty. This contrast between the beauty of Verona and what seems as a conflict between the two families generates a tense atmosphere.Yet, the â€Å"grudge†between them causes a negative mood. The diction â€Å"grudge†connotes the hatred between the two families; an old disagreement between the families will soon turn to a new conflict; it may include violence and drama. Shakespeare used the first 3 lines of the Prologue to describe the families’ feud and give an introduction to the readers of the main families in Verona. Shakespeare used alliteration of the repetition of the letter ‘F’ on the begging of words. The alliteration on the 5th line demonstrates they were born cursed from their enemies meaning they are â€Å"fatal lions of these two foes†.The dictio n â€Å"fatal†implies that both lovers were born doomed for a bad ending, this tense atmosphere is created due to the unknown ending of how the love between two cursed enemies end. The alliteration also changed the topic from the families feud to the introduction of the two lovers. The 6th line states that from these two houses, two â€Å"star-cross’d†lovers will appear. The terminology â€Å"cross’d†connotes that the whole universe is against them, meaning they have every possible reason to give up but their love bring them together.It also foreshadows that a death will occur. The fact that the families do not get along and they still try to make their love work creates suspension because it keeps a constant feeling that the hate between the families will ruin the lovers love. On the middle of the poem, Shakespeare refers that the lovers â€Å"death†would â€Å"bury their parents’ strife†. The expression â€Å"death†symbolizes the end of life; this strong term advises that the â€Å"death†of the lovers would â€Å"bury†the anger between the two families and they would agree to stop quarrelling.This sentence creates a negative mood due to the reason that both lovers would die and both families would become friendly again. The â€Å"continuance of their parents’ rage†indicates that the uncontrolled emotion could cause violence between the two families and end up in death. The fact that the spectators already know that there could be death crafts a tone of suspense. The ending of the prologue informs the audience that the above outlined plot is about to be performed and gives a hint as to how long it will last.The 13th and 14th line, last lines of the Prologue, asks for the audience patience. All these techniques and detailed vocabulary William Shakespeare uses in the Prologue creates suspense and a contrast between loves and hate atmosphere. Conclusively, the most effective techniques Shakespeare used in the Prologue were the precise use of vocabulary that hinted what would happen and introduced the story in a dramatic way. Also, Shakespeare uses a lot of foreshadowing; these two techniques created suspense and an atmosphere to the Prologue.Shakespeare used a Prologue to introduce to the reader a general summary of what the play is about. When the reader first reads the prologue, it is attracted to continue reading the play even if Shakespeare’s vocabulary is not easy to understand. The impact the Prologue has on the audience is the suspense Shakespeare created leaves the reader curious and with the will to continue watching the play. Overall, the way Shakespeare expresses himself with different and exact vocabulary creates suspense. By: Gabriela Matarazzo
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Motivations of War Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Motivations of War - Assignment Example The inefficient manner in which search operations for Osama-bin-laden was carried out showed that the American government’s interest lay elsewhere – namely the oil rich Iraq. The supposed presence of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the hands of the authoritarian Iraqi leaders Saddam Hussein is also proven to be a fabrication. Hence, the real motivation for the ongoing War on Terror operations seem to be to secure strategic material interests of the United States. In this process, the consequences for Iraq/Afghanistan civil society and its local economy is given scant regard. We could analyze the War on Terror operations within the framework of ‘Just War’ theory presented in the book â€Å"The Origins of War: Biological and Anthropological Theories†. Admittedly, the 9/11 terror strikes were heinous acts that cannot be justified under humanitarian principles. The 9/11 attacks were not an attack on the United States alone, but on all of human civilization. Continuing in this vein, one could argue that the threat posed by networks such as Al Qaeda is potentially as big as that of totalitarian rulers of the past, including Hitler and Stalin. Hence, it won’t be illogical to equate the ongoing military engagements of the United States to its major confrontations against Nazism and Stalinism. (Dowd, 2009) But those state apologists who make these claims do not make a serious effort to justify the War on Terror with the conditions laid down by the Just War theory, most likely because the case is a weak one. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is a breach of several of the Just War conditions, the most blatant of which is the numerous civilian fatalities that the war has caused. We also realize that the doctrine of Pre-emptive war, which was the cornerstone of the eight year term of George W. Bush, has several flaws in it.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Case study Lenovo (Critically evaluate Lenovo's Branding Strategy) Essay
Case study Lenovo (Critically evaluate Lenovo's Branding Strategy) - Essay Example Lenovo displayed creative and innovative thinking by adopting a dual-brand approach in the initial stages when it bought out IBM's manufacturing business. It adopted a synergy approach to branding Lenovo in the world markets. Its operations at China were far more cost effective than other companies and its efficient use of resources and prudent handling of its brand equity shows that Lenovo displayed a mix of innovation and efficiency. Lenovo would definitely use the ThinkPad brand to build its own brand. ThinkPad is a premium category model which exudes style, efficiency and excellent quality. It shows that the owner is progressive and very techno savvy and will not settle for anything les than the best product. Lenovo is a Chinese brand and China is very much associated to cheaper and affordable products rather than expensive, quality products. Lenovo would need the ThinkPad brand to erase this conception from its own Lenovo brand. It would affect the ThinkPad brand to an extent but once Lenovo starts proving that the machines are as reliable and efficient as they were previously the trend would definitely change. Lenovo would not be looking at using the IBM logo in the long run, reports from China already show that Lenovo is asking customers their preference on affixing the IBM logo on the ThinkPads i.e.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Playing the Piano(process essay) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Playing the Piano(process ) - Essay Example Playing the piano isn’t really as hard as most people seem to think. If you can type, you can probably make music. The first step taken in approaching the idea of playing the piano is in the way you position yourself. This is a lot like the way that you sit when you drive a car. The bench should be placed far enough away from the piano so that your feet can rest flat on the floor with one foot comfortably ready to control the pedals on the floor. Your hands should be able to reach the keyboard with your arms bent at roughly right angles in order to give you greatest playing comfort. The keys to the piano are located under the keyguard which is generally moved out of the way by lifting up on the knobs until the wood clears the top of the keys and then pushing in so that the keyguard slides easily into the niche made specifically for this purpose. Finally, you are able to place your fingers on the keys and begin playing. Most people automatically place their hands at the middle C position when they are getting ready to play. Middle C can be found just where you’d expect, in the middle of the keyboard. If you’re sitting at the right place, it should be just in front of your belly button. Another way to find it is to look carefully at the keyboard and notice that the black keys alternate between sets of two and sets of three. These keys offer the sharp and flat notes that give the music its character. Beginning on the left-hand side of the keyboard, count to the fourth twin set of black keys. The middle C is the key just to the left of this set. The right hand is positioned so that the thumb is resting on this key and each of the other fingers of this hand are resting on each successive key to the right. These are the notes C, D, E, F and G. The left hand is usually placed so that the pinky finger is resting on
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Proper essay form, with supporting argument, facts, and examples
Proper form, with supporting argument, facts, and examples - Essay Example , Auguste Comte (1798-1857), developed a form of scientific rationalism which stated that science is the highest form of knowledge that will inevitably lead to progress in humans. His argument was that positive or scientific knowledge is the highest stage of human development which would allow humans to discover the laws of human behaviour and be able to use them in improving the society. On the other hand, Romanticism rejected most of these ideologies by the positivists. They recognized the fact that humans have limits to reason and comprehend the reality and also rejected the artistic style called classicism. Instead, they explored the mysterious, strange, satanic, and exotic aspects of the human nature by incorporating it into myths and folk music. Their ideologies appealed to the liberals on the basis of rejecting an established order and emphasis on individual liberty, and conservatives on the basis of societal importance in religion. Liberalism held its ideology on the principle of economic, social, and political freedom. In particular, the liberals had three main aims: to establish and protect civil liberties; worked to achieve the right to vote to the middle class, and to promote free trade. They drew most of their support from merchants, manufacturers, ad middle-class professionals in urban areas. This ideology became prominent during the French revolution especially after the Congress of Vienna. It became a major force in France between the years 1830 and 1848, resulting in the overthrowing of the Bourbons who were replaced by Louis Philippe and attainment of republic status by France in 1848. In Britain, liberalism led to several reforms including the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846 and also the Reform Bill of 1832. Another ideology that appeared during the French Revolution is Nationalism. This ideology held that nationalities had a right to identify and be attached to their nation. It aimed at establishing nation-states with people that shared the
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Read the requirement carefully Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Read the requirement carefully - Essay Example However, a true spirit of team work working and co-existing together with the sole objective of a common goal is quite rare. As explained by Wageman (1997, p.59) â€Å"It takes more work than just grouping people together and calling them a team.†Critical components of an effective team Successful and effective teamwork is founded on three basic components; complementary skills, common and compelling goals, and mutual responsibility and accountability. First, the complementary and technical skills of the work force within the team are attainable during the hiring and recruiting the staff (Ryan, 2012, p.267). Such complementary, technical, and professional skills must be matched with the job requirement. Besides, to increase their competence, more training is essential over time. Secondly, winning teams within an organization must have a common and clearly defined purpose to act as a guide for all the teammates to rally behind. The long chain goals are further broken down into specialized sub-goals for individuals with different technical and professional skills to undertake (Brainerd, 2006, p.56-9). Lastly, it is critical for an organization to foster the culture of responsiveness and accountability among the team members in a vertical format. To enhance responsibility and accountability, an organization rewards productivity and higher degree of accountability within the team staff. Coupled with collective responsibility, individual strugglers are supported by their colleagues in order to achieve together as a team. Team building process The process of building a successful teamwork takes place in four stages: formation, storming, norming, and performing (Belbin, 2010, p.70). Formation: This is the first step towards building a team. In this stage, individuals are busy trying to identify the most ideal position in the team. It is in this stage that initial offer on starting a team is made. Storming: This being the second stage in team building, it entai ls a number of challenges. Though people start to perceive each other as a team, conflict and confrontations are constantly observed, which further results into loss in performance. Norming: this is the stage where real team work commences. Members come together, develop common interests and goals, formulate policies and regulations, and perform job stratification. It is at this phase where some sense of â€Å"togetherness†is evidenced. Performing: It is the final phase in teamwork development which is characterized with increased team relationships, collective responsibility, and combined synergy. Group performance is very effective and delivering profitable outputs in the organization (Wageman, 1997, p.49-61). These four teamwork building phases can be represented graphically as below: Tuckman’s model Phase/output Performance Formation Norming Storming Period This model helps us in developing a deeper insight into the evolvement of teamwork. The major drawback of th is model is that identifies team building as being a linear and sequential process without recognizing loops in the team development stages. Common team challenges and how to overcome them All teams (including the most talented) in an organization faces a numbers of challenges. The major challenge facing teamwork performance is building the needed trust, a leading foundation for team performance in an organization. Higher
Friday, October 4, 2019
Comparing poems Essay Example for Free
Comparing poems Essay Salome turns out to be an evil and very disturbed character; she gets pleasure by beheading people. In this poem it turns out that Salome has removed few other heads previously and she would doubtlessly do it again. She does not even know whos head it is that is next to her, but it seems like that she does not care at all. This makes her sound like a whore. As the maid walks in this makes her feel more comfortable and better for some reason. Hitcher: The man seems really stressed and tired, and when he receives the phone call from his boss that is his final straw. He seems very jealous of the hitcher this is because he is free of stress and is a free spirit. He seems very frustrated. The Man He Killed: This poem is very interesting. It turns out that they dont want to kill each other but because they are at war with each others country. One of them says youd treat if met where any bar is or help to half-a-crown. He is saying if I met you in any other circumstances I would take you to a bar and buy you a pint. My Last Duchess: She is very very jealous, in fact she is so jealous that she wants to poison he and watch he die very slowly. She makes the poison sound like something that is rich and luxurious. Salome: There is some alliteration on line 18-19 where the sound of maids clanging makes Salome happy. Throughout the poem the tone of it makes the poem sound like a young girl who is spoiled and self-indulgent. In this poem there are quite a few clichi s e. g. and aint life a bitch. Hitcher: In this poem the first stanza has some typical rhymes which binds the poem together tired, fired, hired. Can you see the effect of this? He is tired and then his boss threatens to fire him then he hires a Vauxhall Astra. A lot of clichi s are used in this poems here are some examples The truth he said was blowin in the wind, or around the next bend. hed said he liked the breeze to run its fingers/ through his hair. The Man He Killed: There are colloquialisms such as off-hand like which provide an earthy realism along with the rough sounding meter. The Laboratory: This poem uses consolation irony. It also uses some alliteration here is an example Grind away, moisten and mash up thy paste and here is another example Brand, burn up, bite into its grace-. It also has some ambiguity in it here is an example If it hurts her, beside, can it ever hurt me? . Salome: The first verse describes how she is trying to figure out whose head is on the pillow next to here. The second verse describes how she started to feel less hangover when the maid rough in her breakfast. The third verse discusses how she is trying to dissolve the life of the booze and the fags and the sex. Then she decides to turf out the blighter from her bed. Hitcher: This poem has five stanzas and a regular five line shape with the third line being the longest in all of them. If you look at each third line you will see some sort of a pattern occurring. The shape of the stanza is very interesting. The Man He Killed: This poem has a simple but formal structure of five short stanzas all rhyming ABAB. The last tow stanzas remind the men that they could be friends if they met in any other situation. Stanzas two and three: set out the qualifying circumstances that change everything for the mens fate: they are soldiers in opposing armies and therefore enemies. The laboratory: The title in this poem gives us a big hint on where the scene takes place. The speaker is a woman; she takes a lot of pleasure watching the procedure. In the second verse we cab see why the woman wanted revenge, she wanted revenge because the speaker has been betrayed by her lover. In verse three she watches the apothecary at work and is fascinated by what he is doing. She is in no hurry. She takes pleasure in the preparation. This is better than dancing in the kings palace.
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